
Trauma and overwhelming experiences affect people differently depending on their developmental stage and their sensitivities.  Childhood trauma adds another layer to ones ability to manage. Our bodies try to escape the traumatic past but the mind and our emotions keep us trapped. Trauma has a profound impact on our ability to connect and to be a productive member of society. Trauma ruptures all relationships and our inner sense of safety.  Priority #1 is making my clients feel safe and comfortable. Because Traumatic events involve our body memory, it is particularly difficult to overcome triggers of anxiety and hypervigilance. Often trauma victims develop a secondary set of behaviors such as addictions, OCD or panic disorders. We will work to stabilize physiology and calm the immune system along with the mind. The mind/body interaction in trauma is significant and at the heart of healing. We will rewire the brain with new more challenging thoughts and behaviors to re-test our safety in the present. Awareness and increasing executive functioning will be the key to healing and a successful outcome.